Saturday 23 February 2013

It was a sad day at the farm today. My Mom and Dad's old dog passed away this morning he would have been fourteen in two or three weeks. They are away so of course I had to phone them.
Our weather has been crazy as usual we had a snow storm come through it did not last too long just enough to make a mess then in the sun today it warmed up to fifteen degrees.

I have been painting a cupboard. It is quite nice they never come out as I picture them though. I am going to use it store by bottles for the Lavender and my essential oils. I hope to get rid of some of the boxes that have bottles stored in them.
Well off to call it a night

Friday 15 February 2013

I hope you had a Romantic Valentines
I am at the end of making my sixty bottles of Syrup eleven more to go.Then it is on to bath bombs, then jelly. I don't mind making the product it is the sealing that stresses me out

I had quite a busy day, it is amazing how much you can do if you set your mind to it.
Our barn is cleaned, ready and set to go for lambing. It is nice to be ahead of the game.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Busy days
Making syrup for another lavender farm, sixty bottles.
I have been making a lot of product for the Lavender farm over the winter, so we are good and stocked right now.
The Lavender house will be bursting at the seems.

We are getting closer to lambing, I sure hope it goes smooth and no problems. I will have to teach our Grandson how to farm.
Here he is having a little computer time, watching because he know he is not suppose to be on it.
Our hockey is slowing down a bit which is nice. Time to move onto other things.
Our middle daughter is home for a couple of days she is on reading break, so she is have a nephew fix for the next few days.
Well I am off to make up more syrup.