Sunday, 25 March 2012

Cold nights and warm days.
 Our nights are dropping down to -6, -5 but getting up into the warmer temperatures during the day. It is so nice to be outside when the wind is not blowing the cold snow air from the mountains on me.
Our lambing is absolutely SLOW ahh driving me crazy and making me tired. Two more lambs were born yesterday. The older lambs we move out into the field by my Mom and Dad's house.
 It was so cute to watch the little lambs run across the field playing.
I am slowly winning at yard work it really is an overwhelming amount of work after winter and I am really not sure why.
PINE NEEDLES I swear are going to be the death of me!!
I hope you enjoy some time outside today.
the gardens
old Friends.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Signs of Spring

The birds are singing!
In the sunshine, in the wind and in the never ending little snow storms.

The barn is starting to bounce!

Baby lambs, baby goats and worried Mom's who have misplaced their babies.

Things are waking up, yawning and stretching trying to find the sun.

Pussy willows high in the trees

All the signs of Spring

Friday, 9 March 2012

 Meet Mickey Mouse. This is our first lamb of the season. A little girl. So far we are at one kid, three lambs that count will change within the next couple of hours as we have two goats in labour right now.
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Monday, 5 March 2012

Sigh here we go a typical Spring in British Columbia. Snow like you would not believe and why? Well any time starting today we can start kidding.
We have been enjoying having all our children around this last week. My house is bursting at the seems again and I love it.
We have a few farm jobs that will need to get done this week. Fixing a fence, moving a Ram and setting up the camera. I would like all that done today but we will see.
Our last few days have been amazing  as high as 17 above. I did some great yard cleaning during those days. I might shovel snow today...

This was our beautiful walk the other day. Today is SNOW...
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Thursday, 1 March 2012

Coyote tracks to close for comfort
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The other day we walked up back and found a large tree on the fence line plus some smaller trees hanging over the fence on the side way up. So I guess that will have to go onto a list of to do's...
Our weather has been jumping around again warm, cold, snow and wind. It really has been a strange winter. We still have used up a lot of wood though.
Lambing and kidding is soon we start on any time after the fifth for the goats and any time after the tenth for the sheep. I hope it goes fast, smooth and is warm.
My oldest son and his girlfriend are home for a week. It is so good to see him again he has not been home since just after Christmas. So our house is full as my oldest daughter and her baby also came over for a sleep over. So kids, babies sleeping every where on the floor with made up beds. Ahh I love it.
My middle son is booked for the end of March for his driving test so on Sunday is his first driving lesson. I hope to get at least four lessons for him. Then my middle daughter is going in to have her "N" driving test done. Ahh then on May eighth my youngest daughter can go in for learners. Sigh no wonder I live under stress.
Take care and enjoy your first day of Marc ours sure came in like a Lion but at this moment it is kind of resembling a Lamb.
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