Saturday, 30 April 2011

I am in sitting in Vancouver airport on my way to Maui with my Mom. We left home at 3:30 am we are traveling on less than three hours of sleep. We arrive very late.
My agenda is to DE-STRESS, look at the ocean, find some sun, visit my sister and her husband, visit the lavender farm and take pictures.
My kids and Dad are in charge of the farm. I thought I had everything under control but now I think I have a goat due. Ahh lets hope she can wait a few weeks.
The other night I enjoyed watching the Royal wedding. I woke up at 12:50am and stayed up until 4:50am. It really was beautiful. I loved every minute of it.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

This is the field we look at the top level of our property.
Spring is happening. The grass is turning green slowly.
The sheep our turned out into the fields and are spending their first night out there. Oh dear I hope they are safe tonight.
We have goats starting to show they should kid either late Spring early Summer. I sure hope they hold out until I get home.
My Dad and my boys have been working on the top fence. It is an amazing amount of work. Sooo much work.
We are keeping are eyes and ears open for a new Llama. We will need one to be with our sheep up in our new fenced area.
Well I am off to bed. Hope the Canucks win in over time.
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Sunday, 24 April 2011

Today it was warm and sunny. I was able to work outside all day. An amazing amount of weeding was done in the Lavender gardens. Plus I also painted my youngest sons rabbit cage. It is pretty bright! My kids are nearly home they went up with my Mom and Dad to visit my sister for a couple of days. Today my husband went to pick them up.
We are hoping the Easter bunny finds us tomorrow.
Today I locked all our gates tied up a few dogs then I let our sheep and Alpacas have use of our whole bottom part of our yard/driveway. They were so happy. They ate, they checked things out, and they stood in my flower beds.
At one point I had to run as fast as I could, hide behind the hay shed then tip toe home...all to hide from our bottle baby. They are cute, very, very cute but they can drive you crazy.
Then poor Cowboy our Border Collie he was cornered by a Momma sheep so I had to safe him and let him in the Lavender garden. Where the poor dog then literally sat on my feet or inches away from me on the Lavender plants.
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Yesterday the Easter bunny hopped through my kitchen for my husband and I...
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Saturday, 23 April 2011

Easter time
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Oh to be George!
We are in a long weekend .
Easter holiday.
Not the same as usual here but time to get used to it.
Yesterday warmed up and the sun was shining. And, this morning by six am sun is shining again. Finally!
Not too much happening this weekend. Still cleaning, a little farming.
I guess I will have to pack. I leave Friday. I am kind of thinking I should just stay home.
Well off to do chores.
I hope everyone has a lovely day
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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

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These girls are all feeling so good.
No more itchy wool.
Their skin can breath.
They can feel the sunshine on them warming them from the cold nights.
I really think they quite enjoy the shearing.
The girls all just sit wait out the five minutes of their hair cut.
However the biggest strongest of them all the RAM he is a big baby. He lets out a mournful cry looks at me with his big eyes. As soon as it is done he skips off to eat in the sun. He really was too funny.
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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

This poor baby had his hair done yesterday. He was so amazing, so good, so happy!
This is Harry he died today.
We found him in the shelter he likes to sleep in.
Our damn weather has been so bloody awful!
I am very sad.
On a farm the reality is animals come and go. Yes I know that. However we do get very attached to some of them. And, Harry was one of them.
When we brought him home my Grandpa loved to whisper (he thought he was keeping it from my dad) :) "Now then how is our new..."... and he would roar with laughter. He loved to here Harry stories.
Sigh... this farming is just getting to damn hard for me.
I cried tonight for Harry. I felt so bad for him.
RIP buddy
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Sunday, 17 April 2011

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It has been a very, very busy weekend. We have had soccer tournaments. We have had hockey tournaments. We have had fencing and so much cleaning. Oh my goodness have we all been working hard. I can't even tell you how hard we having been working. My Dad has decided to fence our top property. Which has made a huge amount of work for him and the boys. We live in a place I swear that grows rocks unbelievable digging. So between a Cat, a tractor with a back hoe and a shovel. Plus my oldest son had to fall a whole load of trees that were Pine beetle kill. The trees were on our neighbors side and he is to old to deal with it. Well I have to go to bed my kids will not give me two minutes to type this. I have been at it for forty minutes now.
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Saturday, 16 April 2011

Does anyone know what type of birds these are? They came by and had a little drink from our pond the other morning.
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Miss Hyacinth was playing in her first home tournament. Yeah I am so proud of her. She is quite shy but she did it. She is pretty sore and tired right now. They have been going full speed ahead since she joined.
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Thursday, 14 April 2011

Signs of Spring Today you would not know it was Spring. Cold, snow and blowing wind... I am beginning to wonder if it will ever warm up. This week I have been doing an amazing amount of yard work. It seems like it will never end. The mess! Next week the sheep shearer is coming so that will be another good job to be done with. This year I am just throwing out the wool. I find it too expensive to process plus we seem to have these great big burrs in their wool from the hay. Tonight we tagged the last of the lambs. We also banded their tails. So those chores are all done. We tagged the boys with blue tags and the girls with pink. I am not sure how many we will keep or if we will keep any. We have all summer to decide and to watch them grow. We are kind of liking the idea of hair sheep. For one bigger sheep heavier weight and no shearing.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

This is a test to see if I have the spell check back. Yes it is back! Now to see if I have any luck uploading pictures.
Still nothing.
Sigh... I am so sick of computers.
I use to quite like this blog but now I am finding it is acting up all the time.
Yesterday was a full outside day. I worked crazy in our front yard. Why does Winter make such a mess!
I raked, piled, burned the whole day. It does look better but still so much to do.
I realized I leave for a holiday in two and half weeks. I am so not ready. I will go and find my suitcase this weekend.
I also have Easter to get organized.
I am waiting on the sheep shearer. Geez this seems like a list of what I have to do. I will come back to see if I can post any pictures. I really should try another blog company. I will give this a week...

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Okay I should be up and running within twenty four hours.
It has been a crazy few weeks.
I can not tell you enough how crazy it has been. I seem to get one hurdle after another thrown at me. As I get over one I check it off and work on the next one. Unfortunatly they are all full going right now and I can not check off any yet!
I am going to come back when I see this blog is working right.

Monday, 4 April 2011

I must decide in the next day or two if I am going to continue on with my blog or delete it. I have used up my storage space for photos. I have read through the website (it is a little over my head)I could pay but is a blog really worth it? So many decisions or I also could just keep a blog like a diary for myself. That is probably what I will do. Keep doing the blog but only on my computer as a diary and print it out. Well I may try to attempt to a few pictures again and see.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

I am having grief uploading pictures. I can not figure out what to do. So I may go and try to find a new place to write my blog. If anyone has any ideas which one would be a good one to go to let me know by the comments.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Sam and George
I can not figure out why I can not post pictures the normal way.
It sure has been a busy week.
Today we took a day trip to Kelowna. We hit it lucky with the roads still a bit of winter up on the connector though. I did do some birthday shopping we have three birthdays coming up within the next months. I will be away for one of them and ready to travel for two of the others. It is a nice feeling to have it organized.
We still have two ewes to lamb. The sure are taking their sweet time. And, the goats I am not sure what is even going on with any of them. I think I will put the goats in the barn tomorrow and look them over. Our buck was young and on the smaller side so maybe we will have to wait until next year.